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Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud線上速成班

In Chinese (Traditional)

Acronis 大中華區首席技術顧問 Sean Wang 將以深厚的技術與數位經驗,在短短 60 分鐘內跟您分享 Acronis 針對服務供應商所提供的全方位超融合防護、備份與威脅軟體阻擋優勢。 Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud 將一次性滿足您的關鍵資安需求:

  • 單一、遠端安裝代理程式,簡化導入門檻
  • 領先業界的數位威脅防護技術,抵禦風險
  • 符合法令與合規需求的威脅鑑識分析技術
  • 主動、且智慧化的反應式防護,提升SLA
  • 任何資料遺失都能夠以最快速度完成復原
Sean Wang
Senior Solutions Engineer, Acronis
Sean is in charge of Senior Solutions Engineer for Greater China Region in Acronis. He is a passionate, energetic, self-motivated with 20 years experienced IT professional who works closely with engineering and sales teams to provide innovative cyber-threat security solutions that enhance the way customers conduct business. Individual who has the skills in fostering long-term relationships with customers and partners and work as an equal partner with our sales team in matching up enterprise customers and have a brass-tacks business conversation with a CIO in many aspects of cyber security management strategy.


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